Project Toy


An evil fairy has brought toys to life to create her army to conquer the land. Her twin sister however has given life to 4 toys to rebel against the conquering army. Now it’s up to the 4-Toys Rebellion, as they traverse through maze-like dungeons created by the evil fairy’s magic to fight and bring peace back to their homeland.



The leader of the 4-Toys Rebellion. Toi may seem like an ordinary kid, but he possesses great strength and is full of courage. Aggressive towards those who oppose him, but friendly and open to those that are close to him. Has great strength but poor magic. Weilds swords and sheilds.



The opposite of Toi, Dolli is a sweet girl who detests fighting, but must do so to bring peace back from the evil fairy. Sympethetic towards enemies and loving towards her friends. Has great magic but poor speed. Weilds rods and staves.



The trickster of the group, Jax is the comedy relief and brings a smile to those who are feeling down from the war. Often playful, but gets serious when his friends are in danger. Has great speed but poor defense. Weilds bombs and knives.



Poppet is the mysterious and quiet one in the army. His sense of direction and strategic planning makes him second in command. Canv create puppet decoys to battle for him as well as hypnotizing enemies. Has great defense but poor strength. Weilds sticks and watches.